
“As a disabled individual, 10/12s and the 6-day work week are an incredible obstacle in my work. Among other things, I am immune-compromised and lack of sleep only makes my already fragile immune-system weaker. I often experience work-induced flare ups of my chronic conditions due to the long days and long work weeks. It makes it harder for me to be present when my body is fighting me and causes me to loose work because I can’t “struggle through” as we are too often expected to do.”

“I take about 7 different medications a day, some multiple times a day, most are time-sensitive and many require a strict eating schedule that the 10/12 or constantly varying work-days do not accommodate. I have to make impossible decisions choosing between taking my medications or eating enough; between work or medical procedures; between loosing work today because of illness/flare up or going and risking hospitalization; between fulfilling the expectations of my job and taking care of my body.”

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