
“A 10/12 or whatever the tech rehearsal length is easily and normally a 14-16 hour day, and it takes a physical and emotional toll. I’ve had off and on tingling on one of my feet for a few months for being on my feet so much over several weeks of putting in a show. I have a permanent knot in my neck now, and during a few weeks of one tech I could not fully turn my head.”

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“It is a grueling schedule that really comes at a cost both creatively and personally…It got to the point where I was missing so much of my kids growing up.


“As a parent of very young children, the rehearsal and tech schedule is the one of the main reasons why I am not pursuing my career at this time.”


“A hellish tech week caused an reaction so severe that I had to leave campus and go into intensive outpatient therapy. While there were tons and tons of factors that