
“I started to keep track of what my hours in the building were through a payroll app. At the end of my second (and last) season, I had documented proof that there were multiple periods during the season where I would go weeks without having days off (I think one stretch was 7 weeks long) with many of those weeks being 60-70 hour weeks. By that second season, I was exhausted and burnt out; I asked the PM (who had also asked me to become the resident designer the next season) to hire a part-time assistant for me so I could get at least ONE day off a week… I was fired the day after I made that request”

“It’s HARD, and I’m very well-aware that, in my 40s, I’ve never been able to find a way to make many/any personal relationships work because I’m exhausted all the time (physically and mentally) and my “day off”; is usually spent sleeping and doing “life errands.””

“I can’t imagine how this is healthy for me… and when you think about how this schedule really is a barrier to so many other people who want to be theater artists. The way tech schedules are set up, you have to sacrifice your outside life in order to cram as much work into as short a process as possible. Why do we do this to ourselves?”

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